Iurii Apollonovich Cheremshanskii Papers, 1917-1970

Collection context


Cheremshanskiĭ, I︠U︡riĭ Apollonovich
750 items 3 manuscript boxes
Russian .


Scope and content:

Most of the collection relates either to the role of the Cossacks in the Revolution and Civil War or to the affairs of the Russian emigre community in the Far East. The largest item is a memoir by Vladimir Nikolaevich Gaevskii, the son of landowners in Voronezh guberniia, concerning his childhood. There are two memoirs of the Cossacks' activities during the revolutionary period, one by Cheremshanskii himself, the other by I. N. Oprits. Substantial subject files are devoted to the troubled affairs of the principal administrative body of the Shanghai Russian emigre community, the Russkii Emigrantskii Komitet, in 1939-1941. Other files are devoted to Ataman Grigorii Semenov and to emigre political organizations, the Brotherhood of Russian Truth (Bratstvo Russkoi Pravdy) and Russian facists. There is a single catalogued item, a 1937 letter from Vladimir Burtsev to Cheremshanskii proposing the creation of an anti-GPU organization.

Biographical / historical:

Member of the Guards Cavalry Regiment at the time of the 1917 Revolution.

Acquisition information:

Papers: Method of acquisition--Purchase; Date of acquisition--1963.

Papers: Method of acquisition--Purchase; Date of acquisition--1965.

Processing information:

Papers Accessioned 1963.

Papers Accessioned 1965.

Papers Processed 07/--/81.


Materials may have been added to the collection since this finding aid was prepared. Contact rbml@columbia.edu for more information.

Rules or conventions:

Access and use


This collection is located on-site.

Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th St.
New York, NY 10027, United States
(212) 854-5590